If you get an error message while attempting to pay your fees through the Pay.Gov panel screens, keep in mind that your ECF transaction has likely been docketed regardless. The last screen available to you when docketing is always the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF). If the event is a fee-based event, the Pay.Gov panel will superimpose itself over part of this final screen.
In the unlikely event that Pay.Gov gives you an error message, don`t assume that your ECF docketing was incomplete. Look at the NEF screen; go on PACER to confirm the entry; or please click here to contact the court to confirm it for you. Avoid refiling the same fee-based document because then you are faced with two fees instead of one.
Sometimes a transaction error from Pay.Gov is itself an error. To confirm that the payment was actually accepted, go to Utilities-Internet Payment History and verify that the completed transaction is recorded there. If the fee is still owing, it will be listed under Utilities-Internet Payments Due.