When to use these dates
The hearing dates below are for use in conjunction with an objection to a Chapter 13 trustee's motions to dismiss or convert, and they are only to be used when the trustee's motion directs that an LBF 1366 hearing notice be filed along with the objection. If the trustee's motion does not so direct, the court will select a hearing date and issue the hearing notice.
And, even if the motion to dismiss does direct use of LBF 1366, do not file the form or use the corresponding event if a hearing on the motion has already been set. If a hearing has been set, use the standard objection event in CM/ECF (Bankruptcy Events > Answer/Response > Reference an Existing motion/application > Objection).
How to use these dates
Verify the judge assigned to the case in CM/ECF, and from the list below, select the case judge's link for available hearing dates. Choose the first date which is at least six (6) calendar days after the Notice of Hearing will be filed and insert it in your filing. Click here for information and filing procedures regarding the Notice of Hearing on Objections to Trustee's Motion to Dismiss/Convert/10 Day Notice of Default.
It is recommended that you check the website when you need a hearing date as this information is updated regularly.
LBF 1366 hearing dates
Judge Peter C. McKittrick - Bend Cases
Judge Peter C. McKittrick - Marion/Polk/Lincoln County Cases