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How do I change or correct information in the petition, schedules and statements I have already filed with the Clerk's Office?

The information contained in your petition, schedules and statement of financial affairs is submitted under penalty of perjury. Therefore, you must be certain that it is correct when you sign these documents. If, however, you later discover that something is inaccurate, the documents may be corrected by the filing, typically well before the case is closed, of an amendment with the Clerk’s Office where the petition was filed.

Petition information: If only changing the debtor’s address, use local form LBF 101D. If changing any other information, mark the petition “Amended”, highlight what is being changed, completely fill out the petition, and add all required signatures (for example, debtor and any joint debtor). Per Local Rule 1009-1(a), when filed with the clerk, an amended petition must be filed with a certificate of service stating that notice of the amendment was served on the trustee and any entity that may be affected by the amendment (often, this means that notice must be sent to all creditors in addition to the trustee and U.S. trustee because incorrect information on the petition may mean incorrect information was sent to the creditors when the notice of the meeting of creditors was mailed).

Schedules or Statement of Affairs: To change information contained in the schedules or Statement of Financial Affairs, the document must be labeled “Amended” and be accompanied by a signed declaration under penalty of perjury.

Schedules D, E/F, G or H: LBF 728 accompanied by a fee per the Court Fees List, must be submitted to amend Schedules D, E/F, G or H after notice to creditors has been sent out in the case. LBF 728 contains certain instructions which must be strictly followed in order for the amendment to be processed properly. For instance, if adding creditors to Schedule E/F, clearly mark the schedule “Amended”, put Add Creditors so it is clear exactly what you are doing, and then list only the creditors being added. A supplemental creditor mailing list showing only the creditors whose information is being changed by the amendment is required.

Service: Copies of all amendments must be sent to the United States Trustee and the case trustee. Some amendments (to Schedules D, E, F, E/F, G or H) must be served upon the creditors affected by the amendment as set out in LBF 728. A signed certificate of service showing to whom the amendment was mailed and the date of mailing is to be included.

For Debtor