The Local Bankruptcy Forms are generally in a "Fillable" PDF format. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader software, (i.e., as opposed to the more robust Adobe Acrobat software), you may either fill out the form and print it, or just print a blank copy. To open the form on your screen, click on the form title or download icon. Once downloaded, you may exit your Internet browser and access the form from an Adobe Acrobat product. The Court recommends use of a more recent version of Adobe Acrobat products (e.g., version 8) for filling out local bankruptcy forms, as earlier versions do not always bring up the form with "full size" fillable fields, etc.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader software is free for download at
Note : The Acrobat Reader only allows you to fill out and print a form. However the Adobe Acrobat software allows you to fill out, print, and save the changes to a file.
- To begin : Press ‹Tab› or mouse click to the first field (i.e., the debtor's name).
- To accept text and/or move to the next field : Press ‹Tab›, or mouse click.
- To return to a previous field : Press ‹Shift+Tab›, or mouse click.
- To check boxes : Use space bar, ‹Enter› key or mouse click to place an "X" in the box.
Caution: You should not use the ‹Enter› key to move to the next field. It can randomly move you to an undefined area, delete all highlighted text, etc. Note: If you accidentally delete highlighted text, try using the ‹Esc› key to bring it back.
- Click on the Toolbar's Print button or select File, Print from the Menu Bar. Important: For the best quality output, uncheck all boxes located in the upper right side of the Print window (e.g., "Fit to page" should not be selected). Press OK or the ‹Enter› key to print.