ECF participants have complained that they receive email Notices of Electronic Filing (NEF’s) of documents in which they have no interest. In particular, ECF participants receive NEF’s in bankruptcy main cases if they are associated with the adversary proceeding, even if the adversary is closed and they have withdrawn from or were never involved in the main case.
To avoid receiving notices for bankruptcy cases when you are only involved in the related Adversary Proceeding, go to Utilities - Maintain Your ECF Account. Click the Email Information button. On the screen, choose the radio button Send notices for adversary proceedings in which I am directly involved but not for their related bankruptcy cases. Click Return to Account Screen and on the next screen you must click Submit for any changes to become effective.
If your client’s involvement with a case has ended, you may remove your client and yourself from the case by e-filing the text-only event Miscellaneous-Request for No Further Notices.
Another option available to you is to learn to manage your NEF’s using the Rule Agent that typically comes with your e-mail software. For example, you can instruct the Rule Agent to route NEF’s with certain subject line keywords to Trash or another folder. For more information, contact your IT support professional or e-mail software provider.